Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Wait

I can’t help but think of that song by The Band. Although, it’s called The Weight. But this waiting definitely weighs on us. It’s been really tough for us lately. We are only waiting on her passport now and it should have already been issued according to the timeline (max 30 days). The latest email from the agency is “the passport should be dispatched by February 5.” And, don’t get your hopes up or buy plane tickets because we want to make sure the passport is actually in Mrs. Roy’s hands. (Mrs. Roy runs the children’s center.)

I’m starting to wonder if Henry believes there actually is a Tess. Or that we are actually ever going to India. We keep talking about her and our trip but nothing ever happens.

Henry-isms: 1) He asked me the other day, “Where did you pick me up from?” 2) This morning he commented on Luke and I talking about India. I told him that we were talking about it because it was going to be a long trip and a hard trip, and we wanted to be prepared. “I’m prepared,” he said. “I’m prepared to feed her a bottle.”

P.S. Check out our photo albums (click the link to the right). This is in the experimental phase. We hope to post all of our trip pictures as we take them so you can follow along on our journey. You can also take our poll.


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