Thursday, February 15, 2007


We made it after a long and complicated trip. Here is what I wrote while we traveled...

Well, hello there! We are half way over the Atlantic Ocean as I write this and I must with all sincerity, this has not been a flawless journey. First the bad news… our flight was delayed almost two hours in Little Rock. No big deal, right? Well that made us 2 hours late getting into Chicago. We arrived at 5:05 with our flight leaving at 5:30 in a different terminal. We got off the plane with poor Henry running like the wind. After running down the wrong hallway, we turned around and just missed the tram. We waited for 5 minutes and hopped aboard. We had to check thru security, taking off the shoes and all. Luckily there was a man in a little buggy that gave us a ride to our gate. I was yelling down the terminal, “Hold the London plane! Hold the London plane!”
We jumped off just in time to see the runway detach from the plane. We begged, I mean BEGGED them to let us on. No go. They tried, but no go.
We were rebooked on a flight that left at 7:05 pm and arrived 45 minutes before our flight to Kolkata. Another rush job at the airport coming up. But… just as we were to leave the gate on our new flight, we have a wheel malfunction. We left an hour and a half late which, with the plane going full speed, puts us there at the time our plane to Kolkata is expected to leave. The next available flight thru British Airlines to Kolkata is TUESDAY. Or, if we miss it and are lucky, we fly Indian Airlines after sitting at the airport for 12-14 hours.
That is the bad news. The good news is that we are on our way. No airline, no airport, nobody is stopping us from getting our little girl! Put a million blockades, we’ll break ‘em down. WE ARE ON OUR WAY!!!!
We are 2814 miles to London and several thousand more to Tess, but everybody better get out of our way!
Henry is a world traveler. He has been very patience. The plane we are on is a 777 and has some space. Henry is lying down with Ellen in an empty row of seats. I am watching the movie Man of the Year with Robin Williams. We are tired but we are resolved.


We are on the flight from London to Kolkata and the trip seems to be going much better. The flight from Chicago landed 10 minutes before the fight to Kolkata was to depart, but after running what seemed like 22 miles thru the airport, it had been delayed for over an hour and a half. We were able to catch our breath for a few moments before we took off again. I swear, it feels like a week ago when we left Little Rock. I asked Ellen, “are we going to make it?’… “Do we have a choice?”, she responded.
Henry was a little shaky after the first leg, but he had just woken up from a 4 hour nap. I have not slept now for 26 hours and I feel a little out of my mind. Ellen is going strong, as usual.
The one thing I keep coming back to is the people we are meeting. After I had several problems with Travelocity the last week, a customer service supervisor resolved an ongoing problem. He then said he was from New Delhi and was so happy with what we were doing. He gave me his personal number and said if we weren’t traveling on business, he wished to take everyone out for dinner.
Then today this young woman who works in Michigan and is going home to visit family in Kolkata was with us during the rough transfer in London. We talked for some time and she invited us to have dinner with her family in Kolkata! Amazing. I don’t think we had a clear idea of how people were going to react to us being here to adopt a child, but I have to tell you, everyone we have meet has showed so much compassion and thoughtfulness. The strength we will draw from the people of India will carry us through. I am honored to have my daughter with the history of this rich country coming home with us. I hope someday she will come to know the beautiful people who care so deeply for one another, even a few strangers from Arkansas.


Ok, we are here! We made it (but our luggage didn't). It is 6 am and Ellen and I have not slept in over 36 hours and are about to go bananas. Our luggage is in London and will not be here until SUNDAY. We also did not have a driver there to pick us up as we requested. Kolkata at 4 am is quite. We expect to see something different tomorrow. We are planning to spend the next day here at the hotel trying to get over this jet-lag! I’m seeing things and have no extra clothes. Maybe I could wear this computer.

Parents and friends, we are safe and sound! Will write again after some rest. Thanks for the comments...keep 'em coming!


Blogger Julie & Patrick said...

You tell quite a story! It is fascinating...every last word of it. Thanks for sharing. Wishing you all the best as you continue your journey to your little girl.

Julie R
(still awaiting a referral)

4:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, my gosh! Mom just called saying Joyce had just called her to say she had just gotten an email from you!!! mom said "go get on your computer RIGHT NOW and look it up." (Dad is in Rosie, mom can't even turn the computer on)
I had to re-read all this several times to figure out where the wheel problem happened and connect all the story lines! What an adventure!!!!

Henry looks adorable all packed for the trip! hadn't seen that latest entry.

well... sorry you have no luggage yet. rinse things out in the sink!

glad you didn't miss the rest of your connecting flights - whew!!

so cool @ people you talked to and offers of dinner, etc. small world in so many ways!

FYI important! do you have any peanut butter with you? big recall from any Peter pan beginning with 2111 code!!! salmonella! we have 2 jars of it. people getting very sick. careful with any pb crackers too.
lots shipped to ARK.

I heard the jelly got confiscated. what's henry eating?

don't answer me personally via email but answer my burning questions in the blog. :)

had some snow here today (NWA). some small schools out, not us.

mom and dad due to come up sat for kramer's game if weather is ok.

have you tried cell phone calling yet?

Get some rest and clear your head from crazy images. Love you and glad you are all safe and sound!

it's Thursday night 9:00. by "our" time, when do you predict you'll see Tess first time so we can be thinking of you??

can't wait to see pics of her and Henry together!!! Love, Melissa, Brad, Kramer, Lauren, Nana, Bobo

6:50 PM  
Blogger Pam said...

Ellen & Luke!
Yeah that you made it safe and sound! We are excited to see your pics of the day you meet little Tess!
Be safe and have a great trip!
Pam & Joel
Micah's Momma & Daddy

7:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ellen and Luke, Joyce says she is thrilled you have arrived okay. she wishes she could write this herself but couldn't figure out how!!!!!! So typical. Sorry it wasn't smooth sailing but we are so glad you arrived okay luggage or no luggage. It happened to us going to Colorado. This will make it even more memorable it is a trip of a lifetime and will complete your family. Be safe and be careful (and wash out your underwear!). Mom says, wear lipstick. Kisses and kisses to Henry.
Tell him to pass the kisses on to Tess from all of us. We love you, Mom, Steve, Jane and Bob

7:23 PM  
Blogger Nadra said...

Ellen, Luke & Henry...

Glad that you have made it to Kolkata. Get some much needed rest. I love your posts....keep em coming.

Thinking of you.

Ian's Momma

10:08 PM  
Blogger Luke and Ellen said...

Hey sis-
Thanks for the peanut butter warning. How ironic would it be to travel to India and get food sickness fron a peanut butter cracker from Arkansas! Henry is finding plenty to eat including in Indian breakfast on the plane. Spicy potatoes with dill sauce...ate it all up and asked for more! The restaurants have about anything you can imagine.. When we got in at 5:30 in the morning from the trip, we called room service for pizza and beer. In some areas we are not roughing it. We love and miss you guys! Tell Lauren and Kramer hello!

11:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey guys! you're just what I need for a sleepless night -- good, adventurous reading and friends who know what sleepless REALLY is. I can't figure how so much has happened to you when it seems like you just barely left LR. This blog -- sharing your story as it happens -- is phenomenal. Sure hope your immediate lack of goodies for the orphanage doesn't present a problem!

12:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. The note above is from Starr. I don't know where it's 12:06, like it says on the entry -- around here it's about 2:30 a.m.. Hey, is it noon where you are?

12:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WE love your comments...Thank you for sharing with us..Give Henry a big kiss from his J.J...Steve says you sound like a great travel agent for India !! Be safe ..know everyone here loves all of you !1

5:57 AM  
Blogger Shane said...

Hi Ellen and Luke!(and Henry!)
I am glad you are all there safely. What a crazy trip!! I LOVE reading every detail and word of what you are experiencing! Facinating! We can't wait to hear more and certainly can't wait til you have little Tess in your arms. Our prayers and thoughts are with you. Lots of hugs and kisses!
Alyson, Shane, Emily and Courtney
(Ellen's cousins)

11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please closley check the Peanut butter. Big recall, has salmonella in it. Millionsof jars taken off the market


2:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Luke,Ellen,Henry and Tess. You are now obviouly a family experiencing a great and exciting adventure. The photo's are great as well as your commentaries. I almost feel I'm there with you all and I am in spirit. My prayers are always with you. Come home safely and Thanks for alowing so many to be part of your experiences. Your friend, Jim

8:11 AM  

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