Saturday, February 17, 2007

3 hours in Kolkata

Well, we went out to see what we could see. Check out the pictures (look to the right near the top where the links are and click on “Our photo albums” which will take you to a place where you can choose to view our slideshows. See Kolkata – Day 1.

The first place we went was the flower market. I think the photos say it all. A driver from the hotel took us and escorted us. I was glad because it was a little overwhelming at first and I could have easily gotten lost. We weaved in and out of the stalls at a quick pace. There was no real lingering. We were trying to keep up with Victor. We went up to the bridge where (after checking the travel book again) it’s actually TWO million people a day who cross it. That’s where I took the chicken photo and almost got arrested. I couldn’t quite understand why but you are not allowed to take photos of the bridge. We went back down and then went to the riverfront where people bathed and brushed their teeth. Lots and lots of dogs everywhere in Kolkata but a whole lotta dogs down there by the river. We were leaving and Henry wanted to stay so we stayed longer. He was mesmerized by the all of the birds and loved when they all flew off at once. Against his will, we eventually left and made our way back through the market.

Then off to the botanical garden. We drove over the bridge to get there. And we were in Old Kolkata. It seemed like we drove forever to get there. We saw a lot on the way—not tourist sites and buildings, but just people going about their daily lives. We finally arrived and drove right up to the Banyan tree—that was kind of funny, I thought we’d walk. We got out and walked around a bit but had to leave without seeing much else because Henry had to use the bathroom. So we headed over the New Bridge to South Kolkata (or at least south of we we’re staying) and to the restrooms at the Taj Bengal hotel—a very nice hotel with good looking pastries.

Throughout the morning, our driver pointed out or drove us past some highlights: the post office, the Governor’s house, the parliament building, Eden Park (where cricket is played), the horse races (Luke is itching to go there!), the Maidens (green space near the Victorial Memorial where people hang out, play cricket, tourist take horse rides, and people take their goats and sheep to graze) and the Victoria Memorial. The Indian Museum is just a block down the street from the hotel but we haven’t been in.

We got back to the hotel and couldn’t believe it had only been like 3 hours!

When we got back Henry wanted to swim again, of course. And the water is super cold even though the high is 90 degrees most days. It’s been cooler than that, I think, but also it gets cool at night. He just shivers and shivers but won’t get out. He made lots of friends (he was giving out “secret letters” to everyone he saw—he’d write a few scribbles and hand it to “people he liked,” he said). While we were at the pool and I was visiting with a woman who invited me to have a drink with her (Henry had given her a letter), Luke went to the markets around the corner. He bought a couple a bath toys for Henry and a used white shirt for himself so he would have a change of clothes. He also got a shave with a straight razor and a facial massage. They also loaded him up with cologne!

One of our favorite things to do while in the room is to look out our window which overlooks a busy square with all kinds of activity: vendors selling sweets and other food, shoes and things I can’t make out. There are lots of different people, traditional and modern, business attire and bare threads. There are lots of rickshaws and local people riding them. They are all carried by foot although around town there are lots of bicycle rickshaws. In the square there are also motorcycles and walkers. Not too many cars in this square although there are some. It’s busy but not that busy for Kolkata. We hear vendors calling out and horns-a-plenty. At night, we hear the dogs fighting.

It’s now 4:30 and Henry has fallen asleep. We’ll see what time we wake up tonight!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

such an adventure you are having and the best is yet to come !! Hope your luggage arrives (all of it ). Keep writing..and of course, let us know when Tess is in your arms !! Ashtyn is somewhat said her doctor yesterday when I visited her, I held her in my arms and sat in a rocking chair ..tubes and all ! Much love ,J.J.

6:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to get up each day to read of the Kramer's adventures. (Never wanted to go to India before but now I want to start making plans for our trip there.) We are on pins and needles to see Tess and to hear all about her. I want to cry each time I think about the life she is leaving and what she has to look forward to in her future. What a lucky little girl. Went with J.J. yesterday to see Ashtyn. It was wonderful to see your Mom rocking her and talking to her. Her eyes were open. It was so dear. Our family has sooooo much to be thankful for and to look forward to. Have a great Sunday!!! Love, Jane and Bob

7:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for letting us 'go with you' by way of the net on this incredible journey! Looking forward to what each new day brings! Love ya! GG (Glenda)

9:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did you explain the chickens to Henry? :) Has luggage arrived yet? It's sat. pm here. went to movies this pm which we never do but it was so cold, nothing much else to do. Off Monday for Pres. Day - yea! The photos are great! Have you hooked up with Travelocity man or Michigan lady? Remind us all again when you actually go to connect with Tess. Love to all esp. my Henny Penny! Melissa

3:24 PM  
Blogger Luke and Ellen said...

The lady from Michigan called and invited us to a family party the other night, because of the jetlag we slept through her message. We are calling her today to meet for lunch. It's 6:30 am and we just woke up. Going to eat and start our last day on earth of eing just the three of us!
Much love to everyone-
Luke and Ellen and Henry...

5:15 PM  
Blogger Luke and Ellen said...

The lady from Michigan called and invited us to a family party the other night, because of the jetlag we slept through her message. We are calling her today to meet for lunch. It's 6:30 am and we just woke up. Going to eat and start our last day on earth of eing just the three of us!
Much love to everyone-
Luke and Ellen and Henry...

5:15 PM  

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