Saturday, February 17, 2007

Regarding Tess

It’s a complicated thing, this thing called adoption. Complicated because you spend so much energy wondering about questions that may be asked or perhaps will never even be thought of. I mean, here we are, sitting in a hotel in the heart of one of the most intriguing places on the face of the earth. We traveled to the other side of the globe to bring home a baby girl that we have never laid eyes upon, but love and are drawn toward so deeply. We sit in our hotel, walk the streets, greet and talk to strangers, all in the act of seeking Tess.

What questions will we face from her and others throughout our lives? What do we have to offer that is so special? Will she love us? Many questions we have talked about but do not want to discuss with others. We question and re-question and we keep moving forward. We know Tess will be home when she is with us.

Basically, the impact of being here and the emotions surrounding the reason we are here are overwhelming to say the very least. The atmosphere of the city is intense, both attractive and heart-breaking. The travel here was energizing and exhausting. Knowing after three years of working and waiting we are 48 hours away from picking up our daughter sets off unbelievable emotions. And to be honest with you, the one thing that is keeping us grounded inside this hurricane is Henry. He is weaving his way through this with steadfastness and perseverance. Maybe it’s the fact that he is four and that four year olds adapt to many circumstances much easier than 34 and 40 year olds (sorry Ellen). Seriously, he has been amazing. I keep saying that, but I really can’t say it enough.

And he is soooo ready to pick up Tess. Every time we walk out the door he asks if we are going to pick her up. “In two days” we say. “Two days?!?!” he says with a pout.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

great narratives
good reporting
great idea to do this
wonderful world of technology.

just read the 2/17/07 posting
it is 8 p.m om 2/17 07 in nlr.

6:01 PM  
Blogger hamhock said...

hey guys. i'm at the bertrams showing them the blog. we love it.

6:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Luke, Ellen and Henry: It is such a joy be with you as you are anticipating Tess. All over Arkansas (and beyond), we're waking up and running to the computer to read your latest posting. I can just see us all at Tess's 10th birthday party, getting out the old blog and reliving your journey. She will know she is loved. Thanks so much for including us. xxoo Louise

3:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I checked in yesterday, knowing that the trip was imminent but not that it was underway. Now I'm hooked. I almost feel as if I'm there with you all - your emotions and experiences are recounted so vividly.

I can't wait until Monday!

4:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First thing this Sunday morning........straight to the computer to check your latest posting. Before coffee, before newspaper, before anything....must know how you are. Love your shareing w/us the beauty of your quest. Tess has so much love and goodness waiting for her.
We leave for Mexico tomorrow, but will continue to check your blog several times a day.

10:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of our correspondence to you has been written by my most better half,of course expressing both of our feelings. I just wanted to add that I am so proud of you both. If you can, when you pick up my new granddaughter please call us in Mexico. My cell phone will reach me. (501)993-1080.I love you both,and Henry which goes without saying.


11:23 AM  
Blogger lauren said...

Hello!! sorry i havent got on here before. didnt realize you guys are such extreme bloggers. LOL! so glad you guys are there and cant wait for you to get back. me and chris and maybe the family are going to come to LR next weekend to welcome you home. well not really you...but ok, you too. JK! your stories are great and i cant wait to hear about everything. you're making me want to book a flight and go there right now. i will sometime in my life but im so glad your there and BE SAFE!!!! see you soon!!!

11:28 AM  

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