Tuesday, February 20, 2007

In the Delhi

Sorry we have not written over the last day or so but as you can imagine our plate has become a little fuller. So many stories, so little time to tell them all. We spent most of the day yesterday packing and making our way to New Delhi. We arrive late last night with exhaustion set so deep in our bones, we were useless. After a mostly restful night, we expect to spend most of the day in the embassy.

I hate to inform other adoptive parents the following news: We are not bragging, but Tess slept from 7 pm until Henry woke her up at 7 am her first night. Now last night was a little different. She woke up a couple of times but I think we know why, it was a freezing in the room. Her temperament is amazing. She spent the entire plane trip laughing and talking. She is a little snotty-scotty and her nose runs like crazy. We gave her some meds for it and for 8 hours she was clear as a bell. I think she could feel the difference. I can’t wait to get her home. We are all ready to get home.

The next few days will be long. We will spend much time in the embassy and around the city taking care of things for her visa. The excitement of the last few days has been tiring. Henry fell asleep last night on the way from the airport and woke up in the hotel room in the dark. He asked where we were. We said the hotel. He was upset, he really wanted to be home. Two minutes of the cartoon network and he was fine.

Little Rock has never sounded so good. I will write more adventure soon, but for now other business is calling.

Love to everyone! Again your words mean so much!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YEA! just got back from K's game. we lost by one. mom and dad here. ma

6:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok a bit more... mom and dad wanted read it before I wrote more. Mom wants to know how much she weighs as in what size clothes will she need and what kind of formula do you need? they are spending the night (tuesday) here and going home tomorrow.

dad will email you tomorrow when they get home. we got in from K's game and RAN to Kramer's room to get on the computer to see if you had written! we saw all the Tess pics today too. really good!

so, we can all sleep a little easier tonight. keep us posted, get it? love, mom, dad, kramer, brad , melissa , lauren

6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:42 PM  

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